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Communion Presbyterian Church To the Communion of the Saints, Communion Presbyterian Church has had many years of successful ministry and, as the church Treasurer, it has been my pleasure and a true blessing to steward the church’s resources and to advise the Session and congregation on financial matters. As we were first supported in large part by the ARP denomination in our earliest days, we were able to provide a full salary to our church staff and better yet, we were able to save judicially in anticipation of the future when this kind of gracious support would conclude. As a member of the leadership team from the beginning of our church plant, I can testify that a major reason why we were able to continue as a ministry during these difficult economic times is because of our prudent use of all donated contributions, tithes, and offerings to our church; and secondly, because in the midst of this current economic meltdown, our pastor and support staff agreed to continue on in their roles by taking a pay cut that substantially reduced their remuneration. Our pastor’s family has been faithful in their ministry among us, and they have sacrificed greatly in order to continue our mission-- dedicated to proclaiming the gospel in the OC. Since I am personally aware of their financial need, and because of their commitment to our church family both in leading and in their hospitality, I can also testify that our pastor’s family has in no way “prospered financially” in their overseeing of Communion Presbyterian Church. To this end, I will report that a significant reason for why we are uniting with Jubilee Presbyterian is simply because our financial cushion has been exhausted. I am expecting a reimbursement request from our pastor for the last six months, which has been averaging a $1000 a month due to our commitment to covering his family’s medical insurance and for reimbursements due to the day-to-day costs of running a church and office (our remaining balance does not exceed this amount by very much). Most of our church’s material items will be stored by Jubilee Presbyterian Church and hopefully provided to other ministries needing such. It is the will of our Session members to provide the remainder of our church’s financial reserves to the pastor’s family as a severance package (this has also been approved by our presbytery). Our new relationship with Jubilee Presbyterian will not result in a salary for our pastor (although Jubilee is prepared to provide a degree of assistance if needed.) We are abundantly thankful to God for those of you who have graciously supported Communion Presbyterian Church with your donations, service, and prayers through the years. Each year I send an email to the congregation encouraging an extra gift for the pastor’s family at Christmas time. Since this will be our last Christmas together, I’ve decided to provide this letter with an invitation to our final service together on December 23, 2012. Those who wish to provide a financial donation before the end of the year should understand that such a donations will provide much needed additional support to our pastor’s family as they seek a new calling. Our financial books will remain open for at least the months of December and January, and possibly until such a time that our pastor locates a new venue for ministry or a new vocation. Tax deductible donations can still be sent to Additionally, to the members of Communion Presbyterian Church who will be seeking to transfer their membership to Jubilee Presbyterian, or another like-minded body: Officially, your membership is held by our presbytery until a request is made. This request can be easily expedited by contacting Rev. Moorlach with your intentions (email: EXCISED DUE TO SCAMBOTS); he will be able to provide the proper documentation. It would be a great encouragement to our leadership team to know that you have properly transferred your membership status to a group of elders who will properly shepherd you in Christ’s Kingdom!
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