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Here are some links we think will be a valuable reference for you in your research about the Christian faith... Reformation OC Conference =
An anual conference designed to educated and train Orange County (and beyond...) about the theology of Reformation Christianity Apologetics.com = "Challenging believers to think and thinkers to believe!" This is the charge of one of the nation's most important apologetics website and discussion portals. Communion Presbyterian is committed to giving reasons for faith, and to that end, our pastor has regurlarly participated on the weekly broadcasts of this excellent ministry. Pod-casts are also available at this site as well as on iTunes. Please visit the site and give them your support! www.monergism.com = This website is the standard for Reformation Theology! Compiled at this location are articles, sermons, outlines, and further links to the "leaders" of Reformation thought, both past and present. If you are researching any topic of theology, you should FIRST search it out here! www.readingscripture.org = Is it enough to read the Bible, or should we really KNOW it? This website encourages both! Included are hundreds of articles and links to further your study of God's word. www.whitehorseinn.org = The Whitehorse Inn radio program has been broadcasting challenging and convicting episodes for over ten years. This "panel discussion" program explores the Scriptures and our culture (church and popular) with a clearly Biblical worldview. Access past shows here. www.freebiblesoftware.com = Do you want to read theological classics, and have them fully searchable on your computer? Then visit this site for the wealth of FREE software available to you (less the infamous S&H)! Christain Theology Blog = A very active blog site with lots of discussion of the Christian worldview from ancient times to modern times. Some very respected voices sounding off here. Apologetics Group = Another site providing "in depth" articles and webcasts on various topics related to the Christian faith. Stand to Reason = Another good apologetics website and blog. Link here to do research on most topics. The Center for Bioethics and Culture Network = This is a profound and important "think tank" committed to educating our culture about the impact of biotechnologies and challenging those who influence our culture to use science grounded in moral responsibility. Use of Septuagint in New Testament = A little scholarly here, but important for serious Bible readers. Lot's of charts and graphs to help! www.uky.edu/AS/Classics/rhetoric.html = There are "rules for reading," and there are "rules for interpreting." When it comes to reading the Greek New Testament (even after it is translated into English) it is wise to become familiar with "The rules." (Even Oprah could benefit by knowing this!) Muslims! Let's Talk... A website designed to help both Christians and Muslims understand their faiths. Radical Truth! Here is another excellent website designed to help people learn more about the religion of Islam. www.christiancounseling.com = A clearing house for those seeking counseling from a Christian perspective Jerusalem's Channel 2 News = Daily newscast covering current events in Israel. Arts & Entertainment Ministries (AEM) = A ministry that educates, supports and inspires artists to integrate their faith with their creative process. Check out the pages in this site, where you can get informed, encouraged and involved. We look forward to supporting you as you integrate your art and faith. The Bible History Page = Archeology, Bible Software, Creation Science, Early Church Writings, Greek, History, Music, Online Reading, Research Tools, Texts, Textual Criticism We find humor here = Hope you will too! New each month. Olivet Discourse Comparison Chart = The synoptic gospels have a similar topical flow to answering the question, ""Tell us, when will these things be, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the close of the age?" How many questions do you read in that sentence? Is this the outline for Jesus' answer? The first section is the set up: No stones left upon each other. The second section is a description of the intervening years between Christ's Ascension and the destruction of Jerusalem in 70AD; a period manifesting: False Messiahs, Global 'birth pains,' Jewish persecution of Christians, Global advance of the gospel, The abomination that causes desolation (read Luke's 'surrounding armies') [Note chiastic elements of Mat. 24:3-28] The third section is Apocalyptic language reminiscent of Old Testament prophets announcing God's judgment and signals the end for, "this generation." (read rebellious, unbelieving Israel, circa 70AD) The final section concerns, "that day;" "THE 'Day" of Jesus' return and consummation of all things.
The Sacrament
of the Lord's Table from a Presbyterian / Reformed Theology and
Tradition: Articles on our website: The Lord's Table: Who and When? || Observing the Table || Is it "Communion" or "The Lord's Supper?" The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia: LORD'S SUPPER; (EUCHARIST) More on why 'weekly communion' should be common All the key New Testament passages endorsing weekly observance Discussing the convictions of the Ancient Church Fathers Extended article on why the Reformed reject Rome's perspective of the Eucharist A review of Calvin's convictions on the Eucharist RC Sproul video presentation on "The Real Presence" = http://www.ligonier.org/rym/broadcasts/video/presence-christ/ RC Sproul video presentation on "The Body and the Blood" = http://www.ligonier.org/rym/broadcasts/video/real-body-blood/ RC Sproul video presentation on "The Blessings & Judgments of the Supper" = http://www.ligonier.org/rym/broadcasts/video/blessing-judgment/ 2 Articles (PDF) from the Orthodox Presbyterian Church: Advocating Weekly Observance (page 15); and, Fencing the Table (page 21) The enumerated convictions of one Presbyterian church after months of session study: Conclusion "The 'Communion' Song" = http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xnEgrQhzVs0 Listen to RevK and friends discuss the issue, "What are the Sacraments?" This podcast raises many questions regarding the theology and practice of two unique practices of the Christian faith. (Recorded July 4, 2009; 2 hours... for only defending 2 sacraments, we still only only dipped our toes into the water!) http://www.apologetics.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=371:what-in-the-world-is-a-sacrament&catid=43:kkla-995-fm-los-angeles&Itemid=74 FINALLY... a link on "A Contemporary Reformed Defense of Infant Baptism"
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